
So I'm laying in bed last night thinking - I can't fall asleep, and I canNOT get you off my mind. I want to see you. I can't wait until I get to. And when I do, I want to hold you in my arms and never let you go. I want to kiss you like I'll never see you agai - because sometimes, it feels like I won't. But mostly, I just want this to mean something. I wish there was some way that I could show you how much you mean to me (without being afraid to chase you off) and that I'm able to handle the little things about you that you think that I can't. I'm not really sure what to say from there. I've bared enough of my soul to the world for now, and nothing I say is going to change anything anyway. You probably won't realize that I'm talking to you if you even read this. *sigh* I can think of two people who're gonna put this on the wrong person, and I'm sorry to the one who'll end up hurt.
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i have a few ideas about who this is about.. but im not sure.. but im sorry that you cant say anything to change anything.. (and by the way.. thinking process is going kinda well.. you said you wanted to be filled in.. )