
Feeling: longing
Well, work didn't help my day go much better..I mean, granted my days aren't long because I sleep so damn much, but they still don't seem to be all. Ryan was talking about him and his boyfriend celebrating 6 months today..that depressed me..and I ended up telling Erika that I'm gay, she acted cool, but I could tell that she seemed kinda uncomfy..I've also decided that if Adam wasn't a biggot/jerk, he'd be really cute, and I'd be very attracted to him. Yeah, weird. *sigh* But I miss Rachel..a lot..Emily was there when we got done closing (I stayed and helped), and that was cool. Emily's really cool..I like her a lot. I think that when we start chilling outside of CSC we'll get to be good friends. But I was talking to her about Rach. And how even though we aggrivate each other at times, I love her, and I miss her. *sigh*..I've also decided that I'm totally lame. Like, all I do is sit her and type about her, or talk to her, or think about her, I mean, why is it that all I ever do is sit around and want her? Like, right now, I'm thinking about calling her because I know everyone's up because Les was just online and got off because Grant called...I don't understand that either..normally those two hate each other. I don't get it. But whatever. But seriously, I'm so lame. All I ever do is sit around and think about some girl. Although she is the greatest girl ever, and I love her. But still. AHHH *sigh* I give up. I'm done rambling about this.
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