ZzZ fucked up dream

So, last night, I fell asleep right after crying, which means I slept pretty hard. And of course, I dreamt. So, I dream about Rachel. And of course, that's just weird. So I have this huge dream about how I'm alone in this big house with a killer, and the killer is Rachel. And then I have to pee, so I'm all "hang on, time out," and it works. So she's gonna let me go to the bathroom, but you can see through the door, and apparently, I had a sheet tied around my waist, because it came from somewhere and I was trying to hang it over the door when she made a comment about my ass (which was in solo undies). So then we started talking, and she stopped chasing me, and we were sitting on a bed located right outside the bathroom door, and we were talking and then I kissed her, and then we were like, "uh oh, that was bad." And then she kissed me, and we were all, "this isn't good..blahblahblah." Anyway, that was pretty much it because I left. So yeah, that was fucked up. Major. Because..just..WHAT THE FUCK? *sigh* I don't even want to figure things like this out anymore. I give up.
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