
Welp, fuckidall. So I've basically decided that Devin's pretty fuckin' shady because the shit she pulled today was fucking LOW. That was jacked fucking up. I canNOT believe she said that. I was apparently way fucking wrong to trust that. I should've seen from the get-go the shit with Matt was just the beginning. On a different note, I'm thinking that stalker boy (lol V) has GOT TO GO. Now. That's fucking crazy..CRAZY..like, I'm afraid of this dude, he's gonna go fucking PSYCHO or some crazy shit. I mean, he's cute and all, but JEEZ. Which sucks, cause I had hopes for that relationship. Then there's Emily. I have no clue what's going on with her. So *shrugs* I dno. We'll see when we hang out later in the week.
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heya baby girl... I'm sorry shit played out the way with jeremy that it did. Hey, at least he gave us a little bit of a curveball with that response, huh? lol. Gives him a lil bit of credit.

Anyways.... you left my house like 15 mins ago and it feels odd already. I'm sure i'll see/speak to ya later.

I love you, you fuckin techo fiend.
naw Jenn, stalkers are fucking awesome, until you turn the tables on them and make them believe you're stalking them. That's the best part!.