
You's REALLY weird..lately, I've really been wanting to like, I dno, go have sex and pop out a kid. I mean, I don't think I'd do it because a) I don't want to listen to people's crap about underage sex and motherhood and all that bullshit and b) I don't think my family could finance that right now. Which makes me sad, because I really think it'd be neat to have a kid around the house, ya know? I always swore up and down that I'd never be the one of my friends to have kids, but I dno. All this baby time lately with Emma, and Joe, and Adyen is just making me think that I may have kids after all. I don't have ANY idea how I'm going to support them, but I think it would be neat to have a kid around. I just don't want to deal with having to have sex with a boy (lol) or labor. I don't know, they say that you cramp in labor in the same places you cramp during your period, and I don't really cramp, so I dno. Anyway, that's been on my mind today, so *shrugs* that's what I figured I'd have to say, so .. yeah...
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hmm.. i suggest not.. lol.. an on my blog i was talking about sex with guys.. so yeah.. i know we did it more than 2 times. -rachel
Heh.... Jenn, think of how many times I've considered this option... lol. My sick obsession with infants/children has almost landed me the teenager mother role quite a few times.

Good thing I have smart little redheads around to knock some sense into me, huh? Haha.

You're out of town and that's really gay. I might just have to make a trip to see you.......... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
please tell me you were either really drunk or just got done babysitting when you wrote this makes absolutely no sense. i mean, you have lots of time to figure out if/when you want a child, enjoy your mother fuckin youth first, for the love


Everytime I see a litle kid I point it out to whoever I'm with and scream "I want it!" but, after spending time with Jack... I've realized that...
I'm not at all ready for having a kid. Its...insane.... and very hard work. No matter how cute he is. :)