Well, that hurt.

Listening to: none
Feeling: lethargic
So, work was okay except the fact that I want to KILL Adam. Not really. I just want to say what I'm thinking one of these times. *shrugs* whatever. Anyway. So then, later, CJ jokingly chokes Ben. Normally they'd be laughing and stuff, but Ben was being kinda bitchy today. So he drops the "f-bomb" (not the one most people refer to). I got PISSED. And like, I almost started crying, but I looked him dead in the eyes and said (calmly), "Don't say that please." and left. I don't even think he noticed. *shrugs* Fuck it. I don't even care anymore. Oh, and of course, to top my night off, some of the girls invited everyone (literally everyone) but me to dinner after closing. Plus those too that started the dinner plans got to leave at 10. I had to stay for pre-closing. So, I'm not happy. On another note, Rachel and I had a sort of talk about our feelings and where we each stood. She doesn't think we'll happen again and if we do, it'll be a long time from now. Knowing that, I'm getting over her. Like, I didn't think it'd be that easy, but now that I know that and I haven't talked to her since actually, I'm pretty damn close to over her. Which is really nice cause I have feelings for someone else, and I'm getting sick of my feelings for Rachel overpowering my feelings for other people. Anyway, that was my day or two or what-the-fuck-ever.
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