Of course I can't sleep

Feeling: torn
I'm so exhausted...mentally and physically...I don't want tomorrow to come. I want tonight to last for a few extra hours. I can't seem to sleep...gee, wonder why. I have to get up 5 hours. Because my parents are having they're stupid barbecue and it starts at 11. And I'll be home, so I'll have to be up. FUCK THAT. *sigh* I don't want to go to work tomorrow. I almost want to just quit work and hibernate, but I know that my mom would kill me - that is, if I didn't kill myself first from being stuck here. *sigh* My mind just will NOT rest..and I need to get some sleep cause I work 5.5 hours tomorrow...and it'll be busy..and if I'm exhausted, I just can't do it...Man, I'm doing absolutely NOTHING on Monday. I refuse. The good thing going on right now is that on July 10th, Rachel is spending some time down here, and hopefully, on June 25th she's going to Holiday World with me. I'm really looking forward to getting to spend some time with her..I know it'll hurt like hell, but I'm still gonna be glad to see her. You know..the crazy thing..this is like the first time I've gone to HW in years. But, *shrugs* mom gets the whole "one day only free tickets company picnic thing," so why not? Anyway, I'm gonna go lay down, and try again. But for some reason I felt the need to get on here and check my mail (so I ended up blogging instead)...*sigh*...Goodnight.
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Hey sweetie.... You know I completely know the feeling with rach. Call me today if u need bailing outta the family situation. I HEART YOU!!
