I have pretty much nothing to say. The general populace now knows that Rachel and I are going out. I've been yelled at multiple times, and I know that it's because people care, but I really hold no regard to what some of those people have said. "Oh, I don't want you to get hurt." Well, then, why'd you hurt me in the past? Granted Rachel says that too. *shrugs* I dno. I need new friends, but you know, most of the time, I'd never want to trade in the ones I have. Even if I wanted to, I'd never do it. I love you guys too durn much. :-P Anyway, that's about all the news or anything I really feel like talking about.
Well... I know that this kind of situation has caused you a lot of pain before... but if it makes you happy, then go for it...
I heart you.