
I have pretty much nothing to say. The general populace now knows that Rachel and I are going out. I've been yelled at multiple times, and I know that it's because people care, but I really hold no regard to what some of those people have said. "Oh, I don't want you to get hurt." Well, then, why'd you hurt me in the past? Granted Rachel says that too. *shrugs* I dno. I need new friends, but you know, most of the time, I'd never want to trade in the ones I have. Even if I wanted to, I'd never do it. I love you guys too durn much. :-P Anyway, that's about all the news or anything I really feel like talking about.
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friends of mine and Lori's are the ones in Long Beach - but we've finally heard from them. when Lori and I went to Mississippi, we stayed with them, not her brother, if that tells you anything. thanks for your concern. love you. k
I didn't know. :(
Well... I know that this kind of situation has caused you a lot of pain before... but if it makes you happy, then go for it...
dno't listen to what everyone else says. follow your own heart... and if it agrees with what you're doing, then by all means, good luck.
I heart you.