
Eek not, like, oh no, but eek, like, OHMUHEFFINGGOSH I'm waaaaaaay excited. Yeah, that eek. Anyway, so I'm in spanish class before the bell rings, and I happen to strike up a conversation with Josh. So we're talking, and I go, "So, is somebody wearing your jersey tomorrow?" and he goes, "No, why? Did you want to?" And it was all I could do not to scream and be like, "HELLLS YEAAAAH" but I just, "Yeah, that'd be cool. I was gonna ask you or Nick cause you're the only guys I really know on the team." I kept my calm. But I'm like, FREAKING OUT. I'm SO excited. Cause it was like...I didn't really have to ask, he sorta offered. I know I've totally over analyzing it because Josh is just a nice guy like this, but STILL. I'm excited. I'm meeting up with him tomorrow at 7:15 in from of room 336. lol I'm WAY too excited about this. It's got to be unhealthy. lol Oh, and V is wearing Andy's jersey too. So tomorrow, V and I will be jersey girls. How crazy?!? Ah, excitement. lol
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*smiles, laughs, and shakes head*
Jenn, Jenn, Jenn...
6th grade science.
that's all I can say