not much to say

Feeling: torn
Welp, not much to say...still wondering what's going on with me and Emily...Saw Grant and Hilary today. Hilary looks really good..I haven't seen her in awhile, and I'd forgotten that's she's really pretty. Which is odd, because I think I was kinda staring at her, and I feel bad for that because A) It might have made her uncomfy and B) I like Emily a lot. Anyway, yeah, saw them. Hope to hang with them some more. Saw was odd. I walked out of CSC after closing, and I was looking at the cars, and realized that there was an extra one next to my truck..I realized it was Vanessa's car and I was like "WHAT!?" because I recently found out what's been going on with her, so I was really fighting the urge to just drop everything and run over there and make sure she's okay. So then, she just wanted to talk for a few. So things are okay for right now with her I guess..since they kinda have to be. Anyway, that was my day...Oh, and my uncle Othnel died. I didn't really know him, so I can't be too sad about it, but it is depressing..he had a stroke, and they could've "fixed" him but he would've been paralyzed and had a lot of other stuff wrong if they would've, so the decision was made not to, because he wouldn't have wanted to be a vegetable. To be honest, I'm really sad that I never got to know him better because everyone else in my family did, and I only knew his brother Okel, but if anything happened to Okel, I'd FReAK. Anyway, that was my day. I have the kids tomorrow, so I'm gonna head to bed (gotta be up at 7. Bleck. But I get the kids, so it's worth.)
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