r-r-r-e-i i-i-i-t-z

So, today was my first day at the big school on the hill. I was SOOOO freaking scared this morning. SOOO nervous. But after awhile I kinda got okay with it, and I just FIT IN. That was SO amazingly wonderful. To be a no one in the crowd and to just fit in...to just be a part of the machine that's there, and works, but doesn't get noticed. It was great. I love it. I'm SO glad I finally decided to go. I miss SIG - a lot - but Reitz is definatly going to be the better place for me. I've only had half of my classes, but I can sense it already. The only class I don't think I'll like is English. I don't really care much for Mr. Wells, but I guess I'll get used to him eventually. My Child Development teacher and I may or may not get along. I'm not too sure yet. We'll see. She seems pretty OCD and anal about doing things HER way, but once it all falls into routine, I think it'll be okay. So, yeah, one day down, one hundred seventy - one to go. lol
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isn't it 179? *shrugs* I'm glad you had a good day. Tell everyone I said hi. We miss you :)