
Listening to: nothing
Feeling: blue
Well...this can't be good...I can't stop thinking about Rachel in the way I used to..I mean..I don't know what's wrong with me....I just...I can't get her off my mind...it's driving me crazy..I wish I knew more about how she felt...I dno..*sigh*.. On a dif. note, today was pretty lame, I worked, and I couldn't go to the thing with William because I brought ice cream home to Mom's friends, then I was supposed to have plans with T Money, but she never called me back, and then I called V cause she left me a voicemail and then she didn't feel like hanging, so I stayed here with Mom's crowd. It wasn't bad, just not what I wanted to do... Oh, and I got a completely random text from Hilary, "Omg u are such a fucking nasty skank it makes me fucking sick" Hell if I know what that's about. So I just replied, "Wtf?" I dno what that was about at all. *shrugs* I don't really care anymore...then again, I don't really care about anything anymore...I've been almost completely numb...Almost.
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