
Listening to: lifehouse
Feeling: confused
So, I hung out with Devin last night. I'm officially confused. I mean, nothing happened at all. We stayed up all night talking. It was really great actually because we just talked about EVERYTHING. I mean like, most of the stories we told were so pointless, but we know a lot more about each other now...we just...basically spilled our was cool. But some things have changed in both our lives...and we know that we definatly like each other. My problem with this is that I do kinda like Emily, and I really don't want to hurt her if she actually does like me back. *sigh* Confusion. To be honest, I don't know who I'd rather be with because I like them both. I mean, they're SO different. It's crazy though because when I'm around Devin, I'm myself, but at the same time, I don't know how to act at times..and I do some pretty stupid shit on top of Around Emily, I'm myself, but a little more sheltered view. I don't know why I filter it more..I I don't know. Anyway, I'm confused about all that, but Emily hasn't said anything about what things mean between us, and Devin and I know that we like each other, and we're gonna spend more time together talking like we did last night.
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i choose devin.
hi im rob and i have 3 kids, their all spastic sugared up hypocritical democracies?