Am I okay?!?

Feeling: angry
Am I okay? I'm SO sick of people asking that? "how are you?" Do you really care?? No. You just want me to say, "oh, I'm fine, how're you?" It's just a fucking formality that doesn't fucking matter. *sigh* I'm so sick and tired of people acting like they care, and then when I seem upset, they seem surprised that I say "no" to "are you okay?" Am I okay? Let's evaluate. I haven't eaten lately because there's no decent food in the house, so I'm frichen starving. Adam/Big Country is a total homophobe, so no one at work knows that I'm bi/gay, and like half the people I talk to anymore, are from work. V's got Rob issues, and I always feel her pain. Oh, and of course, the only person I love with all my heart, doesn't really seem to notice. Plus that person doesn't feel the same way. And every other relationship is SHIT because I can't stop thinking about her. So no, I'm not okay. DO YOU HEAR ME WORLD?!? I'M NOT OKAY AND I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!!!
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i ask if your ok cause i know that your not and im just trying to talk to you about it.. i do care..