
Feeling: accomplished
It's strangely odd, but I have this overwhelming feeling of calmness and numbness. I hung out with April and Nathan today. That was nice, but more importantly is this feeling that I've truly overcome something. I didn't really think about Rachel. On the way home, normally I listen to music, and think about how I miss her. Today, I just, sang along and drove home. Nothing about her hit me. So, I get home, and I'm like, "Hm, that was odd." Then I realize that I don't need to think about her. I don't need her. I always thought up until that very moment that there was NO way I could survive without being permenantly connected to her, but it just HIT me. I can move on. I can, and I will. I'm learning to live without it. I guess I just needed some form of closure because we talked today about how it's either all or nothing, and we decided on nothing. That helped - to know where things stood for sure. So anyway, it's just very nice and comforting to know that I'm okay. Like, really, OK. Although, I must say, I'm really worried about what's going on with Devin. On a different note, I'm excited about this party at Drew's tomorrow. Very excited. I kinda wish that Devin or Emily could go, but I'm taking V and bigT, so I'll prolly have some fun. Who knows, maybe I'll meet a decent person. *shrugs* I dno...I like Devin a lot though. And I like Emily too. Heck, I dno what's going on. I'm trying not to hold onto the idea of Devin because even if things don't fall apart, and they do stay like they are, we're still just dating, and she's seeing other people, so I dno. Anyway, righto, I'm out.
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Hey dirty lesbian.... DON'T FUCKIN SWEAT SHIT ABOUT "LOVE" AND RELATIONSHIPS!!! Its all a mothafuckin scam just to get in everyones pants... just whore yourself out. Come on.

Uhh tomorrow will be fun as fuck.... I'll make sure of that. I mean, any time spent with fucking DREW is interesting.. lol. Lets jus hope bigT behaves himself. haha...fucking reject asshole. ANYWAY... uhhhhhhhhhhh yes. I'm quite a little stoned. quite a little?
