you wont think about what i have said. you'll be selfish and careless as usual. im seeing this side ive never seen before and my stomach is turning. i cant believe all this is happening. but whatever. i guess i'll get over it. i lose a lot of things that i have to get over. and if its not worth it to you to mend, then it isnt worth it to me. im not trying to throw away a friendship. im wondering why you are abandoning it. when have i not been there for you? when have i not done every possible thing i could to not let you feel one drop of sadness? fuck you for being so wrapped up in your life that you cant step outside of the box and see what you are doing. and go ahead and be cold hearted and whatever. obviously im friends with kris for a reason. maybe its because even if he gets girlfriends and shit, he still remembers me. and even if the people i hang out with, arent his type, he doesnt just full out avoid me. and i dont see how great justin is really being when you're little sister called your phone because she was about to get arrested. and he wont wake you up and he passes the phone around to his friends saying "if you give them gas money, they might pick you up." wow. you're being such an idiot.
everything you said went straight to my heart. and most of it was harsh. and i understand.