vote bitch.

i think i'll vote for hilary clinton for president. that is, if she isnt assasinated before the election. i really have no basis for this except that she is a female and i think a female running the country is in order. plus my dad said she wants socialized medicine. which to my understanding means taxes will go up but you'll be able to go to the doctor for free. that is convenient because the hypochondriatic tendencies of a good friend have rubbed off on me. im now convinced i have cancer in my neck and back. so if i could just go to the doctor...
Read 2 comments is the best for hypochondriacs. There's this little instant symptom-checker that tells you whether you have bronchitis or the flu or a cold or cancer.
socialized medicine is key. i am also voting for hilary. watch "sicko" (michael moore's movie) for more info on socialized medicine. it will change your life.