fuck it, im becoming a smoker. i see no real reason not to. sure, there are all the health aspects, but i never think too far into the future anyway, so theoretically those are all nonexistent to me. i don't need one right now, i could easily not go buy a pack today, but why not, right? ohh maybe i shouldn't. and they do make you feel less lonely sometimes like i've been told.
but i'm going to smoke sparingly. if i can't get a mild buzz from the cigarette i see no point in smoking one. if i only smoke 1 or 2 a day i can achieve that. and unless i'm with other smokers that is pretty easy.
plus i look fucking mature and cool as shit with a cigarette in my mouth.
this art class i'm in is going to be one of those that i dread going to each day. but this girl i sat next to today is quite attractive, so i guess i won't drop it, yet.
i didnt tell you to pick up smoking. i just told you to go buy a pack