
last night didn't really go as expected. of course i can't be drinking these days, but my 3mg of xanax was sufficient. katie came so that was kind of nice but kind of strange. we had to run through the iced over lake when all these cops showed up. i don't really know why i ran, since i wasn't drinking, anyway. i guess because everyone else was. no one really got in any kind of major trouble. i'm not sure what i was expecting. it being two years after high school and all, but everyone was still pretty much the same. i was hoping somehow that things would be different but they weren't, and i did not have that much fun. it was nice, though, seeing some people i hadn't seen in a long time. katie didn't want to risk driving home, so i drove her back to my place where she instantly fell asleep. i fell asleep a little bit afterwards. her mom needed the car (katie's is still in california) by 7am or something like that. she woke me up at 6am and we were both like, you know, ah fuck. i don't even remember trying to get to sleep. so then, all groggy and sleepy, had to drive her 15 minutes to her car. all in all, i know now that i usually would rather stay home and read or something than go to a party. edit: actually, i don't remember enough of it to make any type of credible account.
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theres no boxing day where you live? well its december 26. pretty much every store has ridiculously discounted things, being the day after xmas and all. its chaotic and i think its fun. i really like spending money so it works out great. so, where do you live?
and i feel the same way about parties. take care.