
Feeling: alone
RANDOM Spell your first name backwards: ynattirb Are you a lesbian/queer? nope Where do you live? Hunton Station, Glen Allen, V A Five words that sum you up? 1. Hyper 2. Strange 3. Thinker 4. Bitchy 5. Smart DESCRIBE YOUR Wallet: black and red Hairbrush: medium, blue silver Toothbrush: blue, clear Jewelry worn daily: my ‘Support Our Troops’… and my rings Pillow cover: red, blue, and 2 white Blanket: pink baby blanket Coffee cup: normally a big blue one Shoes: red, white, and blue track shoes, green sandals, and brown clogs Handbag: striped rainbow Favorite shirt: my huge HP Invent Shirt Cologne/Perfume: not sure CD in stereo right now: Clay Aiken Piercings: lobes What you are wearing now: plaid pajama bottoms and a black tank-top with my dad Howell’s hat Hair: shoulder length brown w/ blonde WHO or WHAT (was/is/are) In my mouth: teeth In my head: the lyrics to this song After this: bed Talking to: no one Eating: zippo Fetishes: not sure… TV If you could get away with it & murder anyone, who & why? Not sure… Person you wish you could see right now: not sure… Jesse… hehe Is next to you: my desk Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month? Tomorrow and camping The last thing you ate: skittles NUMBERS Name three bad habits you have: 1.) picking scabs 2.) pushing people away 3.) not sure Name four scents you love: 1.) sawdust 2.) lasagna 3.) Jesse 4.) Granny’s house Name four television shows you love: 1.) MI 2.) NCIS 3.) CSI 4.) Joan of Arcadia Name four drinks you regularly drink: 1.) Water 2.) Soda 3.) Iced Tea 4.) Juice Name four random facts about yourself: 1.) I love the rain 2.) I love Jesse to death 3.) I think Miles is hott (lol, Sydney)… don’t ask 4.) I can’t live without my family EVER.... Fallen for your Best Friend? of the opp. Sex, yes.. but that’s over now Been rejected? who hasn’t Been in lust? nope Used someone? nope Been used? yeah… Cheated on someone? nope Been cheated on? nope Done something you regret? A lot of those LAST THING.. You touched? mouse and keyboard You talked to? Mom You hugged? Not sure… cats… person: Jesse You instant messaged? Who knows… You yelled at? The guys You laughed with? My parents watching “After the Sunset” You had a crush on? Jesse Who broke your heart? Brett DO YOU... Color your hair? nope Own a web cam? nope Have aol? AIM What should you be doing right now? sleeping What are you listening to? Random country music Can you do anything freakish with your body? Not sure Chicken or fish? Chicken Do you have a favorite animal? duckiez Single flower or a dozen? single is nice, so is a dozen.. Silver, gold or platinum? silver Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? Home Roses or wild flowers? Roses Silly or serious romance? Both Do you consider yourself a romantic? Wouldn’t kno Shy? sumtimes Boring? sometimes The Lovey Dovey type? uhh sometimes Today, Have you.. Laughed? yes Helped someone? Yep… Nicole didn’t kno how to do her Algebra work Dissected something? nope. Drank? Yep… lots Cut your hair? nope Kissed someone? My cat Missed someone? yep Told someone you love them? nope Met someone new? Not sure Last Question.. How Long did the survey take? Not sure…
Read 3 comments
I was gunna take that survey, got halfway thru and said Fuck it. hmm.
holy shit brittney. that that was fucking long. any ways whats up?
i am fine lazer surgery in my throught so it would stop bleeding. i cough up my blood when i hyperventalate, get really emotional, or am really really depressed. but i am ok later.