&& you could have me in a heartbeat if you wanted to

Listening to: Rockstar - Nickelback
Feeling: alone
Homeroom we got our course selections. I'm very satisfied with my classes. lol.
French watched a movie. talked. nothing interesting.
English we had rehersals. it was actaully fun. but we ran out of time
Geometry we did a lesson. did some worksheets and then just sat there
Driver's Ed sat there and did nothing. went of a lesson. talked about driving dates.
PE we have Study Hall. this sucks. I'm so fucking bored it isn't even funny
Lunch was boring
DS boring
World II so we sat there and talked about homework assignments. and just played games and talked. it was fun. but Brandon broke up with Chad so that he could be with Hayden b/c Hayden gives more. ROFL! it was great. Chad was really upset. then we kept taking TripleEE's hat b/c Mrs. Hedge was upset w/ her for wearing it in class. plus it was "freaking her out a little." it was great
Bio we just sat there and worked on Wildlife Journal and Brandon, Kelsey, and I just played around. then Sean and I sat there and talked b/c there was nothing to do comment me
Read 6 comments
sorry. geez.

i'm finding a lot of your species. the millipede you have is a north american millipede... and i have a couple others...
i'm sorry brittany... it was really important that i came home. something happened to me during gym and it was really bad... and because of it i was shaking and running a feaver and saying the same thing over and over and i kept pulling on my hair... i was going insane. i'm ok now... i'm trying not to think about it. it's nothing life threatening and i don't want to talk about what happened but i really needed to come home. i'm really sorry...
here are some links to the species that i thought/ knew you had:

this one you may not have.. but you mite so here:

and i know you have these two:


hope that helps
she's emotional. she's accually in a lot more pain than she's letting on. trust me. i'm pretty emotional right now and i've already cussed out lauren on SD and gotten in an argument with you. and i can't tell you what happened. or i won't. and it's not you, it's me, so don't take any of this offensively.

in other news...

i finished my tulip page. it's pretty awsome. i made a paper tulip to put on there.
it's not that big of a deal. to you at least. to me... it makes me talk to myself and pull my hair out. some things are just better left unsaid... i wish i could tell you but i can't. don't take it personally.

anyway, yeah lauren deserves it alright. she's being stupid and getting mad at me for every little thing i do. today it's the fact that i have my own "clique". it's like she's self-centered or something. so now she wont talk to me. urgh
yeah. life sux when you're a woman and are forced to be overly dramatic about everything. oh well.

i was sopposed to be doing laundry all day. haha.