Would You?

Listening to: Work
Feeling: sorry
Now would you die for the one you love? -Would you die for the one you loved? your friends? your family? your country? someone you didn't know? I would. I'd die for the one I love. A few more than the others. I would die for my friends. More so some than others. I would die for my family, in a heartbeat. I would die for my country if and when I was asked. I would die for someone I didn't know when they were in so much trouble that they couldn't fix it themselves. If you would die for the one you loved, your freinds, your family, your country, and/or someone you didn't know copy and paste this in your blog and sign below. ~Brittany Lankford
Read 6 comments
yes. yes i would.

and i am not having fun. im bored. lol
ok.... i swear to god i wanted you around but i wasn't going to mess with you because i knew you didn't want to be around him..... and i highly doubt you'll get your ass kicked....

god that dance sucked....
lol ill repost it tonight, because im gonna keep updating my monday entry. so yeah.
yes we all no u would lol. but thats good.
love ya


this is pointless



i'm probably pissed at kevin more than you are.
hey loser..im right beside you..lol..it is hard to type with these nails...grrr..lol..help me..lol..im bored.lol..im having trouble getting on meebo.grrrr..nailssss.