no... how can u people do this too me?

detectivezim: omg i didn't know i was signed on detectivezim: ummm.... brittany you don't trust me??? detectivezim: *cries* detectivezim: hey if this is about the calling you a freak incident kevin said that u called me a frek so i said "freak" and hen later he said he told you that i called you a freak... detectivezim: anyway when you wake up leave me a message..... :( NCISchick08: yes detectivezim: yes what? NCISchick08: u told me too IM you... and I did detectivezim: oh ok NCISchick08: yeh detectivezim: so you don't trust me??? detectivezim: hmph? NCISchick08: well I don't kno... honestly... I don't trust anyone right now detectivezim: oh NCISchick08: read my sitdiary entry... it explains it detectivezim: i trust you detectivezim: just to let you know NCISchick08: i kno... just... read that entry and it should explain it detectivezim: ok NCISchick08: detectivezim: lol... my name is goosegirl?? NCISchick08: yeh detectivezim: heh... nice detectivezim: DX? NCISchick08: that's all i could think of without giving it away NCISchick08: Lane detectivezim: oh NCISchick08: yeh detectivezim: NCISchick08: yeh... that was last nite detectivezim: i'm coming over NCISchick08: huh NCISchick08: ? detectivezim: i want to go over there and talk to you detectivezim: are you still like that?? NCISchick08: on the inside... yeh... I stopped crying at about 1am ... but it's been the back of my mind since then detectivezim: i just had a crying fit front of my dad because he can't drive detectivezim: dammit... NCISchick08: calm down... I'm just trying too get thru the day... because if I don't kill myself tomorrow my dad will detectivezim: why? NCISchick08: because of report cards detectivezim: then take your chances NCISchick08: yeh... well... I'm not gonna live too see X-Mas NCISchick08: hell... I probably won't live too see Thanksgiving detectivezim: my dad is dumb. we just won't show him detectivezim: we never have a christmas anyway.... i hate christmas... NCISchick08: yeh... but my dad will figure it out... maybe I can hide it... I have too show my mom and she already knows that my report card is fucked up because my teahcer lied about my grade... detectivezim: yeah NCISchick08: and we always have X-Mas, but I'm not going too get too have X-Mas this year... my whole fucking life is falling apart... and I just can't take it detectivezim: what happened? detectivezim: tell me... NCISchick08: nothing... i mean... everything... it's been falling apart for the longest time and I've tried so hard too just hide it... but now it's just too much... i can't concentrate and I can't breathe and I can't handle this... detectivezim: i'm sorry..... NCISchick08: THANX NCISchick08: sorry for the caps detectivezim: i just set a pan of rice on fire and the whole house is full of smoke NCISchick08: nice NCISchick08: I have a horrible headache and I'm trying not to cry... and I haven't eaten since I had Mac&Cheese @ 1 detectivezim: i want to come over!!! detectivezim: DAMMIT!!! NCISchick08: don't... my dad is here and he'll kick u out detectivezim: not if i just randomly show up and kidnap you and take you to france NCISchick08: lol... I don't think we can go too France... besides I can't walk... detectivezim: hence the whole "kidnapping" part of the plan NCISchick08: yeh... but still... detectivezim: ok i'll sneak through your window and we can play with lighters. i have one right now that shoots sparks a foot into the air NCISchick08: lol... I don't think my parents would like it if we burned my house down detectivezim: or would they??? NCISchick08: lol... they wouldn't... although if I died or disappeared in the process they would detectivezim: ok then... we will set your house on fire and then disapear NCISchick08: nice... but I'd have too save everything here detectivezim: nope NCISchick08: yeh I would... all my pics and stuff... detectivezim: yeah.... detectivezim: oh well NCISchick08: God this fucking sux... I'm starving and I can't get up too make anything... and my mom made dinner for her and my dad and they didn't even offer too make me anything detectivezim: .... i wanna come over NCISchick08: nah... I'd hate for you too get in trouble detectivezim: with who? NCISchick08: my parents... or your dad detectivezim: nah detectivezim: ahh.... 24 hours after he tells me he loves me he has a dream about getting a lap dance and making out with some girl from our school.... NCISchick08: oh he told u that NCISchick08: I was keep my mouth shut detectivezim: yeah NCISchick08: just be happy that he cares so much about u detectivezim: no... id think so NCISchick08: huh? detectivezim: i don't think so NCISchick08: what... he does care about u... he told me... detectivezim: when NCISchick08: earlier NCISchick08: we were talking... he was telling me about your convo last nite detectivezim: did you save the convo? NCISchick08: yeh detectivezim: lemme see it NCISchick08: do u want me too put it on sitdiary? detectivezim: please NCISchick08: ok... one sec detectivezim: omg i look dead i just looked in the mirror and i have this big black smear on both sides of my face from crying NCISchick08: nice... I can't even get up NCISchick08: NCISchick08: here read it before he sees it... I don't want him too get mad at me NCISchick08: just let me kno when ur done detectivezim: ok detectivezim: not done yyet NCISchick08: just tell me... NCISchick08: ur brother is making no sense detectivezim: what's he sayong? NCISchick08: who? detectivezim: dustin NCISchick08: ur brother... he was just being weird detectivezim: oh ok NCISchick08: yeh NCISchick08: ok... i can barely hold my eyes open my head hurts so bad NCISchick08: brb... i'm gonna attempt too make it the bathroom detectivezim: i'm done NCISchick08: kk detectivezim: ok NCISchick08: bak detectivezim: ok NCISchick08: yeh... sure detectivezim: huh NCISchick08: notta... my fucking stomach hurts... NCISchick08: and my head detectivezim: crawl to the kitxhen and get food and then crawl to the gun cabinet and get a shot gun to kill you unloving parents with detectivezim: brb NCISchick08: i can't... there isn't anything in there that i want too eat that i could reach if i crawled... and we don't even have a gun cabinet NCISchick08: kk detectivezim: did i give you the gg dvd's back yet? NCISchick08: no detectivezim: ok NCISchick08: ... detectivezim: yeah i'll give them back NCISchick08: ok... NCISchick08: there is absolutely nothing on TV... FUCK!!!!!!! I'm going crazy detectivezim: SVU and CSI NCISchick08: SVU isn't on NCISchick08: and I've seen this CSI ep like 30 time NCISchick08: *times detectivezim: oh detectivezim: brb NCISchick08: ugh... I hate being a girl... and i hate not being able too move... and i hate being idiot me... NCISchick08: kk detectivezim: ayy detectivezim: sorry NCISchick08: thanx NCISchick08: my mom just now decided too make soup detectivezim: kool detectivezim: for you? NCISchick08: yeh... I guess... since her and my dad had already eaten detectivezim: oh NCISchick08: yeh detectivezim: kool NCISchick08: yeh... but now I feel so bad that I don't know if I can eat detectivezim: :( detectivezim: that's sad detectivezim: i need coffee brb NCISchick08: yeh... I always get like that when i don't eat NCISchick08: kk detectivezim: baq detectivezim: i'm making soup NCISchick08: YAY detectivezim: lol.... i feel like cussing someone out.... detectivezim: seth perhaps? detectivezim: NCISchick08: OMG!!!!!!!!! there is a guy on this show that weighs 300 lbs. detectivezim: yeah i saw one today detectivezim: ch? NCISchick08: 08 NCISchick08: it's Wife Swap... and it looks stupid... but there is nothing else on NCISchick08: these people are retarded detectivezim: the art teacher at hermitage was on this show NCISchick08: lol... who Mr. O'Neal? detectivezim: ummm detectivezim: yes NCISchick08: kool detectivezim: he had to paint nude women NCISchick08: nice NCISchick08: was his family on here? detectivezim: idk that much about it... it's a whole article in our school newspaper NCISchick08: lol... kool NCISchick08: this woman is retarded NCISchick08: i think my mom should be on here detectivezim: lol... NCISchick08: that would be funny NCISchick08: we don't have any rules here detectivezim: this is going to be an interesting ep NCISchick08: lol... yeh NCISchick08: the fat woman needs to get over herself detectivezim: i know.... NCISchick08: now i need something too drink detectivezim: coffee!! NCISchick08: and my mom can't hear me detectivezim: hmm NCISchick08: lol NCISchick08: i'm going to Buck's Seafood and Steak Grille for Thanksgiving dinner NCISchick08: fat guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! detectivezim: haha detectivezim: nice... NCISchick08: lol NCISchick08: that sux... fat woman detectivezim: this soup is soooooo good NCISchick08: lol mine is too NCISchick08: my daddy couldn't find the kool-aid detectivezim: lol NCISchick08: it was funny NCISchick08: but i got some... after he was like... "Is it the purple stuff?" detectivezim: haha NCISchick08: this is stupid NCISchick08: this guy needs surgey detectivezim: yeah NCISchick08: I have discovered my new favorite CSI pairing NCISchick08: Sofia and Greg!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't ask... that NCISchick08: that's what happens when your bored detectivezim: noooo.... NCISchick08: lol... NCISchick08: I got really bored... their cute though... if u think about it NCISchick08: and their the only two left NCISchick08: Grissom and Catherin - Nick and Sara - Warrick and Tina - Sofia and Greg NCISchick08: lol NCISchick08: brb detectivezim: k detectivezim: gris & sara, nick & soph, cath & warrick, tina and tina the fat lard NCISchick08: bak NCISchick08: EWWWWWWWWWWWWW NCISchick08: hell no... Griss and Sara is just wrong... that would be like U and Uncle Nick or something detectivezim: haha NCISchick08: and Nick and Soph is okay... but Warrick is good with Tina... so Catherine then gets Griss... and Sara gets Nick... and greg and soph are by themselves detectivezim: i guess NCISchick08: lol... NCISchick08: don't ask... i allready kno that i need help detectivezim: haha detectivezim: your ok NCISchick08: no I'm not NCISchick08: great... a storm is coming... NCISchick08: wanna come over now... I hate these stupid random storms detectivezim: she's been wearing that shirt everyday NCISchick08: i noticed NCISchick08: he's a freak detectivezim: i would be polite in that situation NCISchick08: in which one NCISchick08: ? NCISchick08: hahahahaha NCISchick08: fat guy had too go the doc NCISchick08: DAMN detectivezim: 370!!! NCISchick08: that sux NCISchick08: she's retarded... "I am ill" NCISchick08: yeh right detectivezim: "i am ill" detectivezim: wtf? NCISchick08: lol... detectivezim: i would kick her fat ass NCISchick08: me too NCISchick08: kitty NCISchick08: lol...that was funny NCISchick08: WTF? it was a goat? NCISchick08: stupid little kid detectivezim: that's a gay shirt NCISchick08: lol NCISchick08: i kno... NCISchick08: stupid woman... she isn't sicl NCISchick08: *sick NCISchick08: lalalalala NCISchick08: I'm reading a Greg and Sophia fanfic... and it's really good... although the person that wrote it can't write very well NCISchick08: this woman is retarded... she didn't do anything... detectivezim: haha NCISchick08: lol... that's funny NCISchick08: she is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked up NCISchick08: that selfish little twit detectivezim: wow she's such a bitch NCISchick08: lol NCISchick08: Greg just bit Sophia... detectivezim: HA NCISchick08: lol... Sara: "What the fuck" Grissom: "Did he just BITE her?!" Nick and Catherine just start laughing like crazy. NCISchick08: ha NCISchick08: this is sooooooooooooooo retarded NCISchick08: OH GOD!!!!!!!! I don't wanna hear this detectivezim: i like the fat guy NCISchick08: “Okay no more ‘Sex on the beach’ and ‘Orgasm’ for you…Sar” she just stuck her tongue out. “Then you need to find me a good man… because until I have one, that all I’m having… lots of sex on the beach and orgasm…” Sara winked at Nick. She loved to push his buttons and he like it too. NCISchick08: that's from this ff? detectivezim: k NCISchick08: she doesn't even care what's going on detectivezim: i know NCISchick08: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! someone needs too kill her detectivezim: who? detectivezim: wow that chick is a terrible writer NCISchick08: no... NCISchick08: the fat woman detectivezim: oh NCISchick08: 'but wasn't that really funny detectivezim: remember that fanfic i read of cath and gris? it was sick NCISchick08: lol detectivezim: yeah NCISchick08: NCISchick08: BITCH!!! detectivezim: wow she sucks NCISchick08: she needs some major help NCISchick08: looks... its a bunch of sluts detectivezim: lol NCISchick08: yeh NCISchick08: now time for Two and A Half Men NCISchick08: “Umm… that is true what they say about Texas… everything is sure big down there…” she said while she pointed down. All of them started laughing at Sara’s comment those two all ways were trying to make each other blush, and flirted like crazy. Everyone wonder when all that flirting was going to pay off. NCISchick08: she's talking about Nick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! detectivezim: whoever wrote that is stupid NCISchick08: this kid wanted his teacher too get anthrax so she wouldn't give him a math test NCISchick08: yeh detectivezim: hmm... NCISchick08: lol NCISchick08: I just want Chris' show too come on NCISchick08: ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like crap... i hate being a girl... NCISchick08: you know... I think that from now on the guys should be the ones too have the babies detectivezim: bio homework? detectivezim: oh nvm NCISchick08: huh? NCISchick08: I wasn't there... don't know NCISchick08: oh God... now Sara is preganant with Nick's kid NCISchick08: this is soooooo fucking funny detectivezim: haha NCISchick08: lol NCISchick08: she got dunk and slept with him detectivezim: ha detectivezim: ... NCISchick08: NCISchick08: I can only imagine detectivezim: yeah NCISchick08: I'm tired NCISchick08: soooooooooooooooooooo NCISchick08: what have u been up too? detectivezim: nm.... i just realized that i have to read a bunch for school and even coffee can't keep me awake right now NCISchick08: lol... that sux NCISchick08: what did u guys do in 20th Century and Bio? detectivezim: nothing NCISchick08: nothing? NCISchick08: in Bio? really? detectivezim: yeah we sat around NCISchick08: lol... no homework? detectivezim: no detectivezim: not that i know of NCISchick08: lol detectivezim: anyway i have to read some stuff for school detectivezim: silas marner crap again.., NCISchick08: lol... are u gonna watch Out of Practice? detectivezim: i guess NCISchick08: YAY!!!!! detectivezim: i think i'm going to bed soon though NCISchick08: NCIS is Tuesday's #1 show and CSI is the #1 show of CBS NCISchick08: ok... u should watch it... just we can laugh at it detectivezim: yeah NCISchick08: lol detectivezim: it comes on at 930? NCISchick08: yep... on channel 9 NCISchick08: CBS detectivezim: omg NCISchick08: what? detectivezim: the vent under my desk is blowing really hot air on my feet.... it feels so good NCISchick08: lol detectivezim: have you tryed soaking your feet? NCISchick08: yeh... it didn't do any good detectivezim: oh.... NCISchick08: yah NCISchick08: yawn detectivezim: NCISchick08: lol detectivezim: NCISchick08: eww... this guy just had sex with a 70 year old woman detectivezim: he had sex with that woman??? detectivezim: how did that happen? NCISchick08: lol NCISchick08: and she died detectivezim: HA!! detectivezim: oh sorry detectivezim: lol... NCISchick08: lol... that's funny detectivezim: but yeah... i don't care about much anymore... i can let things go easily.... it's so great NCISchick08: me either... I don't care about anything... well I do, but yeh... detectivezim: i mean i can have my whole reputation on the line and not say anything to defend myself. it's so relieving NCISchick08: and I've been meaning too tell u this... i think Kevin likes u detectivezim: no... detectivezim: agh.... detectivezim: y would he? detectivezim: i mean y do you think that? NCISchick08: because I was talking too him earlier and u were all he talked about detectivezim: when we were in biology? NCISchick08: yeh... and during 6th period detectivezim: britt kevin has a lot of girls that he hangs all over and he barely ever talks to me and when he does i'm calling him a dumbass so i really doubt it. and if he does.... well that's just wrong NCISchick08: he still likes u... detectivezim: no he doesn't, he just torchered me a lot today because you weren't there to keep him company NCISchick08: keep him company NCISchick08: yeh right detectivezim: i'm sorry brittany i can't help it i on't know what they find so facinating about me detectivezim: i need to lock myself in a closet and become antisocial NCISchick08: but why shouldn't they like u detectivezim: for a lot of reasons. i'm a freak of nature. i should be up in a bell tower NCISchick08: u are not... detectivezim: yeah i am.... that's why i'm such good friends with salem. i can be myself around him and not have everything screwed up... and if i act the same way to seth he falls in love with me. i HATE it.... i can't have a normal relationship with any guys detectivezim: i wish all guys were gay NCISchick08: well... Salem is the freak of nature... and at least guys like u... i can't even get a guy too like me... not even the freaks detectivezim: trust me.... really TRUST ME on this.... they aren't worth it. they're better off being your friend detectivezim: at least you have that.... NCISchick08: no I don;t detectivezim: yeah NCISchick08: I have one good guy friend NCISchick08: and that's it detectivezim: that's better than what i have NCISchick08: and wut's that? detectivezim: a good guy friend NCISchick08: u have Seth... and at least u've haved boyfriends... i can't even get a guy to like me... that's sad detectivezim: but it's not worth it detectivezim: be back in 15... i need to finish silas marner NCISchick08: so... it still says something when your 15 and u've never had a boyfriend...and I wonder why people think I'm gay... but I mean... why the fuck would a guy want too like me? I'm good for nothing... just because I would die for the people that I love, and just because I would rather be with my family than with my friends... because I don't wear skirts and I don't dress like a slut that makes me lesbian... u think it's bad too have a boyfriend... well I can gurantee you that it's better than waking up every day wishing u were dead because u don't wanna face the pain and face everything that they have too say about u... it's better than wishing u could kill yourself so that u didn't have too make any more people suffer... it's better than cryong yourself too sleep every nite because u know that no matter how hard u try that ur never going too make anyone proud... it's gotta feel better than having ur heart-break knowing that all of your dreams are shattered detectivezim: :[::]: - - - - ( ) ( ) i'm reading crap for school. it will take a while. leave a message. 218-6739- call me if you must... HEY YOU!!! *poke* detectivezim: give me 10 minutes... probably less NCISchick08: kk... I'm gonna get ready for bed... but I have too get some sleep soon because my headache still hasn't gone away detectivezim: ok.... try to come to school tomorrow... ok? detectivezim: ok i'm baq detectivezim: i'm going to bed. nite NCISchick08: no NCISchick08: come bak detectivezim: detectivezim is no longer signed on. detectivezim: detectivezim is no longer signed on. NCISchick08: please come bal detectivezim: detectivezim is no longer signed on. NCISchick08: NOOOOOOOOO detectivezim: detectivezim is no longer signed on. NCISchick08: fuck... u can't do this........ detectivezim: detectivezim is no longer signed on. NCISchick08: please... u can't leave me alone detectivezim: detectivezim is no longer signed on. NCISchick08: fuck... no... please... come bak... i'm begging u... detectivezim: detectivezim is no longer signed on. ~~~ GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm alone ... I can't be left alone when I'm like this... no... you're killing me... all of you... you have no idea what ur doing too me... please... just stop with the games... before I leave u all alone... not that you'd care if I was gone
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