he is in deep shit now. i know he is. call it a feeling but i think the police force actually did something this time! wow its amazing. i know b/c his mom is callin my cell and left a mess. saying he was arrested for stuff. and i just said i dont care. and i gave he this site.
any who how are you?
i was trying to click out of the box for a sec to change the position and i accidentally clicked save but it is finished now. but i have to get off now but i will talk to you later ok love ya later.
my dad is really proud that I am doing this because he always wanted to go into the armed forces, but never did so I think now I am pretty much obligated to go..... so at least one of his children can make him proud! :D plus I've given this a lot of thought and my g-pa is in the navy, so its in my blood ;) I did once want to go into the FBI and do was CSIs do... thats awesome, and just awesome! LOL.. :)
any who how are you?
second of all, CSI rocks. so ur cool all around in my book. :D