today... UGH... was good... till now

Listening to: Bent - Macthbox 20
Feeling: placid
ok... English: wow... Nikki is a fat ass bitch... nough said 20th Century: boring... Heather and I wrote notes to each other the whole time... PE: SNORE... hung-out with lane Lunch: interesting... World History: Todd is a fag... colored maps... brandon needs help came home and hung-out...
Read 22 comments
well then you have just as much of a chance as i do.

*From his grave!!!!
hey i'm your 22nd comment... green day just got nominated for the best band in the world!!! *******rock on!!! ***********
hey i'm your 21st comment. these things are too short. they should let you make them longer. go back 3 comments and read from the bottom
hey sorry about last night. i did come back but my computer had some kind of technical problem b/c my popup blocker was trying to scan. soooo sorry...
cont'd: how do i know? because hormones are raging in that school and there's too much testosterone. lol

kill shakespeare!!!! wait....
i'm sorry you feel that way but when something like that does happen, which it will.... be sure to say no because boys are jerks......................
you'll be surprised by someone like daniel and you wont be able to resist...
brittany.... your a really good friend to a whole lot of people and soon when you get asked out your going to feel really stupid about this whole conversation
i'm more of a tomboy than you.... and that just means ur friendly
i do that too! i hate it when people get all close...

brittany... i showed up at that school late and i'm antisocial as hell and you have every good qualty i have and more
i didn't really... but that's what i told him and my brother anyway... don't tell.
u don't know for sure that he doesn't like you... and why would he like someone who barely talks to him and is half his size?
how do you kno?
you liked him!!!!! well i can't go out with him cuz he's a friggin giant. and he looks sooo much better with a haircut....
yeppers.... you should try to hook up with rectangle this year
lol... my dog is playing with a soup noodle (Snoodle)
you will someday.... but don't hold your breath they're not worth it.
i haven't had a bf for two years and they all blew me off... i can't even think of the last one i had without starting to cry.... they're worthless and they're jerks
yeah right... at least you look like your in 10th grade.... i look like i'm in 8th
where the hell are you?!?!?!? talk to me!!! hey if you go to you can watch the NCIS preview... i did and came to the conclusion that the woman in the clip has long, curly hair... so it could be the new detective or it could just be a clip from a case they're doing. it's too vauge to tell. go to sitdiary and leave me a comment.
it was just a joke because they're always saying i'm a lesbian... so i made that up and now they don't anymore.... you gotta admit.... it was funny... lol... i would NEVER do anything like that!!! and it's not like anyone would kiss me in the first place....