idk...i had an awesome nite out with my buddies...rhiannon, sean, ben and kyle...we played sum poool and then hopped over to newbury comics...after that we went to the mall...i finally bought the pregnant barbie!! :) by then kyle got depressed...we're not sure why...but we have a feeling it has to do with then we dropped ben and kyle off and picked up chuck and decided to take a stroll through the was real then it came time to drop everyone home...when i dropped sean off he had asked for aa ride to work at 9 in the morning...i was hoping to sleep iin all vacation...but it also bugs me that i have to take time away to drive an extra 10 or 15 miles away that is completely out of my way...i mean i really love just that bothers me alot....tho i can only write about this and not talk about it to him...i have issues talking about my problems and thats what kills good at writing it down tho...
sounds as if you're feeling a little better today, but my offer is always open.