
Listening to: crying
Feeling: bewildered
Please, please. I just want to know that things will be okay. __ I love you. I wish you could see how much. I wish you could see how much I miss you when Im gone, and even when Im here. Ive always been attached to your hip ever since I was a little girl. And Im still that little girl. I still need you. I wish you could see how much. I wish I could tell you how scared I am. I wish I could tell you how devestated I am. I keep away, and I stay away because Im afraid. I wish I could tell you that sometimes I mistake another mans voice for Dads, or that sometimes I tiptoe up the stairs early in the morning because Im afraid of waking up Dad. I hate reality. I HATE IT. And I wish I could forget it, but I cant. And the only way I know how to forget it is to keep away. I dont want to be away from you. I dont want to escape your care or your love. I never wanted that. I just wanted to escape myself. I wish I could. Im tired of fighting. Im tired of always messing up, and I wish there was a way to reach out and show you that I care. I miss you. And maybe it seems like I dont but I do. I always have. Im an adult now, but that doesnt mean Im ready to be one. I never asked to be one. Im not ready to move on, move out. Im still trying to figure out where Im going, and how Im getting there. Please, Please dont keep making me cry. Im so tired. I wish you knew how much I already cry at night. ___ So many things are changing. Im too scared for any of this. I wish there was a refresh button for life. I would be continuously pressing it. Continuously. ____ My heart is sore.
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Sometimes it would be much easier if the people who made us cry could see us. Sometimes, though, we have to pretend that they dont't.

I don't know exactly what you're writing about. But I'm reading.