Listening to: Smashing Pumpkins
Feeling: reminiscent
I had to do my speech today….. I almost died. Seriously. Almost died? So yeah I wanted actually to go first, but then I also really didn’t. So I waited for Thrasher to tell me to go up. I was the second to last person to go. I was supposed to go on Friday, but there wasn’t enough time for everyone to go. Actually, we still haven’t gone through everyone in my class. A few still have to go. Including ALISON. Ha. But I, however, got to get it over with today. I went up there and I walked around and stuff…I was like dying. DYING. During my speech, I didn’t notice but Ferry walked in and sat down. Then I finished and he said something to me like “I AGREE WITH YOU 100%” and I totally started freaking out. I was like….what the fuck?? When did HE come in here??? Omg… And my friends were like laughing hysterically. Everyone seemed to think my speech was pretty funny tho. They were like laughing and shit…so not a complete failure… I still hated it. But then yeah…not much happened after that. I didn’t turn in my psychology project. Huge surprise. Crystal Meth wore black lipstick and looked like a cheap slut again. So did the other one, but she always does…go figure. Karlyna wore her fro to school and people actually thought it was real. Jordan couldn’t tell it was fake. Ha. Haha. Of course, I bugged Matt about being a Jew and he died a little on the inside. Again. I asked him where Jews go when they die. He said there was no such thing as heaven or hell. And that he didn’t know where he would go if he should die. Then somebody said that they thought Judaism was like Christianity without the Jesus. Um….I dunno? The whole thing was funny anyway. South Park is on. (Hooray)
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