
Bored out of my mind. Just like I said I would be. Thank god there's a What Not To Wear marathon on today. Daytime TV blows. Last night was really...strange. I mean it's weird how what you do and think about during the day affects what you dream about later that night. Which usually isn't a bad thing, but last night apparently it was. Like Carmen was watching The 4400 in the other room last night and they were talking about some guy that committed suicide on the show and I could hear it from my room. And then yesterday I mentioned listening to Nine Inch Nails in art class, which of course reminds me of Theron...so those two things combined to make me dream that Theron had committed suicide or something? In the dream I was still going to a different school, which I think may have been Bowman but I dunno...and somehow I had heard that something had happened to him, but like...nobody would tell me what was going on and then in the dream for some reason I messaged Jordan on Myspace to try and find out what happened and I couldn't read the message she sent me...it was really odd. And the entire time I was like...freaking out...definitely the strangest dream I've had in a while. Then I woke up and it was reeeeally early in the morning and it was almost like one of those times when you have a dream where something bad happens to somebody and your first instinct is to go check if they're okay? But obviously I couldn't. But after a few minutes I was like okay...I was dreaming...I'm sure he's fine. It just really creeped me out. So yeah after that I couldn't sleep very well so I didn't get to sleep in as late as I had wanted and ended up getting up almost as early as I usually do to go to class. So I've been sitting here all day, watching What Not To Wear with Carmen's chihuahua chewing on my hand. Exciting. (Yeah sorry I couldn't LJ cut a lot of that, but I completely forgot the code.)
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