Holidays Suck.

Listening to: Evanescence
Feeling: abandoned
I haven't been online for a few days...the Internet at my house was broken or something. Actually right now I'm using my mom's laptop which I hooked up to the internet here. The other computer has like a virus or something...but thank god for my mad computer skillz. Oh and my dad helped a leetle...heh. So it's Thursday I think. No wait...Friday. Ha. Thursday was Thanksgiving. I slept through half of it. Holidays haven't meant that much to me since well...our family pretty much fell apart I guess. I was originally going to go to Las Vegass with Jordan but last minute we couldn't go. Oh least I still get to go to Hawaii for Christmas. Hopefully. Unless Hawaii explodes or something. But yea. Thanksgiving. My mom wanted me to go in the mourning to my grandmother's with her. I was I guess. Actually I woke up around 6 on Thanksgiving day on accident. Stupid school schedule shit...but yea I woke up early. I watched like 3 Simpsons episodes and all was peaceful until my brother woke up. I went into his room to go turn off a light because, duh, it was daytime?? He saw me walking out of his room and was like WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING IN THERE????? I was light was on? It's daytime? He was like GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FUCKING ROOM but by that time I was already in my room doing whatever....haha. He's delayed. But THEN he followed me into my room and started throwing shit at me so I got mad and like...wanted to severely beat him (of course) but I didn't. So I just shut my door and was like fuck that...I'm going to sleep. So I slept for a few hours and then I was supposed to go with my mom to my grandmother's but I was asleep so I didn't go. My mom was mad but like...I don't care? Then my dad came to pick up my brother. They were going to my uncle's house to eat and then they were going to Cal City and Jawbone to go dirtbiking with some of my dad's friends. I didn't really wanna go...I always get stuck with the little kids while the guys go riding. I don't particularly like my dad's friends' children so this time I was I'll pass... In the afternoon my mom came back from my grandmother's house and started packing for some reason. She told me that she was gonna go to Ron's for Thanksgiving and then she would be back later. But she changed her mind and packed and told me she would be back on Sunday? So she's gone. She wouldn't tell me where she was going either...kinda weird. But it's not like I don't know...she's with Ron. Oh well...I have the house to myself at least. So yeah. I had rice cakes for Thanksgiving. But I like rice cakes... Holidays suck. On Wednesday we were planning on going to Ventura after school, as there is virtually nothing to do in Santa Clarita. So I was all happy that we were finally going there and finally doing something...Theron and Jordan were going too. But after school Theron and I got in the car and my mom was like...ok. We're going to wait for Ron to get out of work at 5 (it was 3 at the time). Oh joy. Two hours. What's better is that we had to go to our new house. Which is nextdoor to my uncle's house. Fucking...embarrassing... My uncle is honestly one of the most embarrassing people on the planet? But we didn't see much of him so good cousins were there tho. They didn't come over and bother us that much thank god. They just threw bird seed from the other side of the wall. Little angels...But we were messing with the trampoline for most of the time while we were waiting for Ron to get there. At first I didn't wanna go on it because the last time I did these kids got on and started jumping while I was lying down on it and kinda sucked. But this time I got on it (eventually. Shut up Jordan. lol) and it was fun actually. I looove lying on it. Especially at twilight and night when the sky is all cool and you can see the lights from the houses below. It was nice. I hope we get to keep it there once we move there. Oh and I got locked in the bathroom. I was off exploring (I haven't really seen the house that much. My mom just kind of bought it...) but I was off looking around and I was checking out the bathroom and the door shut and SOMEBODY was smart enough to take the doorknob OUT OF THE DOOR. So I was stuck. But I like finally got my mom's attention and she freed me. It was kinda comical actually. I'm just glad I didn't like start yelling or anything. That woulda been embarrassing...but it was funny. But we finally left (At 6. Stupid Ron) but by that time it was already I was like...hmm... We got there around 7 ish and went straight to Scott's. I thought that Wild Planet would for sure be closed so I didn't even bother looking. At their old store they closed early I remember...But THIS time they said that they closed at 9. I was soooo pissed. Theron and I could have walked over there while Jordan was getting a reading. We would have all been happy. But no...instead Theron and I got to sit and wait for Jordan to finish her reading. I just wish I would have known the place was still open...grr... Oh well. Next time. The whole trip this time was just...embarrassing. It was late by the time we got there. So everything was closed (except Wild Planet but I already went through that...) and I was trying to avoid certain people that frequently go there. I didn't see Larry, but I was totally paranoid that, if I saw him, he would like bother me about my mom or something. He's creepy. Didn't want to run into him. Or Charlie. But he's another story altogether...I hate him. But we didn't see any of them...thank god. Then we went to Busy Bee for dinner. I got a salad, but it had like...onions and carrots all over it. Oh was ok. Jordan got grilled cheese, garlic mashed potatoes, and chocolate milk. Interesting...oh and she got mozzerella sticks (for the table lol). Then they played this song and Jordan liked it but Theron didn't because he was traumatized at a young age with that kind of music. It was funny. I knew the name of the song Jordan liked and had the radio thing play again and I was like...yea I'm a genius. I guess you had to be there... Then after we ate we went outside and there were these weird people running around so we moved down the street in front of Wild Planet and looked at what they had in the window. I'm sad we didn't get to go inside. Then we went over to a corner and Jordan was gonna try to make some extra cash and Theron was gonna be her pimp but I guess things just didn't work out...and some fat woman was standing outside of this club thing...It was interesting. Actually the whole trip was pretty uneventful. Made me sad. Theron was probably bored out of his mind lol. Poor guy... What else happened...I dont think anything did really. Just sleep. But if anything happens...I shall update. Ha. As if...
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