The stuck in my head.

Listening to: Panfuckingtera
Feeling: accomplished
IT'S COLD. And I have that song stuck in my head. Ha. Haha. Some people call me the space cowboy..... Yeah. That. Now it's stuck in yours probably. You're welcome. Uuuuuhhhh so today! We went to Hollywood! Yes! It was fabulous. We took zee metrolink. And we got there and there was the Virgin Megastore or whatever it's called and we went in and there were shirts! And I bought Theron one because I'm awesome? (Guess which band it was for. Ha.) Annnd....there was a KISS impersonator dude outside. Scary. Some call me the gangster of looooove....................... So we went to a smokeshop today. And Linda bought chocolate cigarettes. And a pipe thingy. And these people were in there. And they looked like grandparents. And I thought about how funny it would be to have grandparents that smoked pot. Actually mine probably do I just like never see them? Hmm... And we went in lots of stores that were almost identical. They all sold like the same shirts and belt buckles and bags and stuff and it reminded me of Mexico kinda? Tons of strange people. There were these two people that were playing Stairway To Heaven outside the Virgin place. And that KISS dude. And the dancing Darth Vader. And breakdancers. And...I could go on. But I won't. So yeah I got a TOOL shirt from Hot Topic. Heck yes. I needed it...and Lacuna Coil is gonna be there on Tuesday and I wanna go seeeee them... So yeah we came back and went to Panda and got food and rented Mortal Kombat 4 and Manhunt. Awesome. Then we went back to Karlyna's and played them. I owned. Literally. I kicked so much ass it started being not funny anymore. Lol. After a while tho my hands hurt so much (from kicking ass) that I had to take a break (from my winning streak) and let the others play. Then Theron left and Karlyna and I played Manhunt and stuff. I killed a man with a plastic bag. It was beautiful. Some people call me Maurice!!!!!!!!!!!! (^^god I wish that song would go away...) And then around 11 I dad came to get me. And I got a taco. And now I'm here. I'm tired. But not really? But ok this is done.......
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