Listening to: Silence.
Feeling: bored
1)Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?
wow....i totally never thought about that. thank you.
2) Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive?
mebbe. (secretly: yes)
3) How old do you look?
4 (hundred)
4) How old do you act?
...i don't know...
5) What's the last song you sang?
i thought i told you earlier (so yesterday - hilary duff)
6) Do you have a crazy uncle?
i am my crazy uncle...
7) Have you ever smuggled something into america?
explosives from mexico, i forget what else...
8) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot? i don't make mistakes. ever.
9) Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
10) Have you ever finished off the popcorn and ate the junk from the bottom?
...eww. no.
11) You ever had sex in a tent?
i don't believe in tents.
12) What about in a boat?
or boats
13) Have you ever dated a goth?
or goths
14) Can you fix your own car?
car? i have a car?
15) Would you kill George W. Bush yourself if you were guaranteed to get away with it?
heh. who wouldn't I kill?
16) Should guys wear pink?
NO. no.
17) Do you smoke?
18) Are you a lover or a fighter?
i am a loser
19) What's your worst fear?
needles and jane fonda. (i think i said this this morning?)
20) As a kid, were you a lego maniac?
21) Do you like reality TV? is it's nothing like reality...
22) Chew on straws?
oh dear god no. (yes)
23) Were you cute as a baby?
hell no.
24) Whats your favorite color?
it's like totally pink
25) What color is your keyboard?
black and stuff
26) Do you sing in the shower?
i do not.
27) Have you ever bungee jumped?
28) Any secret talents?
29) What's your ideal vacation spot?
i could tell you...
30) Can you swim?
no. yes.
31) Have you seen the movie "donnie darko"?
32) Do you care about the ozone?
33) How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
i don't like tootsie pops. so i don't care.
34) Can you say the alphabet backwards?
35) Have you ever been on an airplane?
37) Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpener?
38) Do you like your handwriting?
39). What are you allergic to?
40). When was the last time you said i love you?
when i was in front of the mirror...i forget what time it was.
41). Do you cry at weddings?
oh yeah. every time. (no)
42). How do you like your eggs?
43) What time is it?
10:58 pm
44) Do you have a nickname?
45) Is mcdonald's disgusting?
46). When was the last time you were in a car?
47). Do you prefer baths or showers?
48). Are you afraid of the dark?
49). What are you addicted to?
gary coleman
50). Crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
51). Can you crack your neck?
ugh no
52). Have you ever rode in an ambulance?
ridden. RIDDEN.
53). How many times have you brushed your teeth today?
7 times.
54). Is drug free the way to be?
55) Are you a heavy sleeper?
sometimes. i think. no.
56) What color are your eyes?
57) Last inside joke?
58) Do you like your life?
hold on...let me ask...
59) Have you read "catcher in the rye"?
60) Do you play any instruments?
i can clap.
61) Have you ever stolen anything?
a song. i'm going to sell it as a ringtone. and make millions.
62) Can you snowboard?
totally (not)
63) Do you like camping?
65) Do you believe in magic?
66) Are dogs a man's best friend?
no. yes.
67) You believe in divorce?
believe? in divorce? i...what?
68) Do you make a lot of mistakes?
never. i don't make mistakes.
69) Is it cold outside today?
it's cold right now.
70) What was the last thing you ate?
lasagna (finally)
71) Do you wear nail polish?
72) What's the most annoying tv commercial?
COUNTRYWIDE. they are the enemy. THE ENEMY.
73) Do you shop at American Eagle?
yes. all the time. every day. every hour of every day.
74) Do you like Chicken Little?
oh god yes (no)
75) If you could be with one person right now who would it be?
captain planet!
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