Today's entry is a short one.

Feeling: old
What is it with all the freaking demented stuffed animals in the mornings? I think my mom just enjoys pummeling me with something and watching me squirm. Heh. Went to the barn in the morning, stupidly had nothing but half a bagel for breakfast--the thinner half--and forgot to wrap my legs. (Gomen Lena!! ;_;!) There was nobody there when I got there, I was kinda glad. It was like an oven outside, I swear. 95 degrees the whole day. Georgia sucks in the summer. Anyways, some dude came around ten, in a big ass silver truck and everything. Wanted to know where Diane was. Me: ....*shrug* He kept hanging around though, watched me tack up Riley. It was kinda creepy, I really wanted him to leave. I hoped he didn't know we were alone. I was kinda scared, he was really big and kept staring at my backside. Ugh. But Diane finally rolled around and saved me, Praise The Lord. She brought Awesome home! The poor stallion was so happy to be home, he screamed first thing when he got off the trailer and every horse--even riley and matt--shrieked in response. A herd calling to its leader. Diane didn't try to shut them up or anything, she was just so happy to have Awesome home. A terrible picture of Awesome and Diane, but here they are! After I rode Riley I rode Matt, shaved his white socks. He's not hitting himself in the back legs anymore, I'm so happy I could cry!! ^_^! Yeah. Um. Dad forgot I was at the barn, mom finally picked me up at six. And she brought FOOD!! God bless my mother.... Yeah. So then we went to pick Sasha up from Judo. He got a new belt, he was so proud. Ah--to be seven and carefree again! Heh. Nothing else. My journal entry for today: Weird men in big silver trucks are ruining our country.
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and those guys in black suits...