Rain, rain, go away

So it's raining. Yuck. It's really good for your skin, though, I suppose, even though in a few days everything's going to mildew. I've already gotten three or four messages from my mom like "I'm so worried about the hurricane" and "should I come get you?" It's nice that she worries, but I'm okay. I mean, think of how many hurricanes this place has been through already anyways. It's under control. Um, I am failing to instill a sense of fear for my safety in my best friend, though: makemygray: how are you Sei Shunu: good makemygray: its raining really scary here Sei Shunu: heh makemygray: I mean really scary. stuff blowing all around. Hurricane's supposed to hit tomorrow. Sei Shunu: yeah Sigh. Whatever. Went to church this morning with Chananduhler, that was super nice. It was a lot different from my church; everybody looked out for everyone else and there was so much unity and belief...it was really amazing. If you're reading this Chandler, thanks for taking me. OH. AND GUESS WHAT ELSE HE MADE ME DO! (well, i sort of volunteered.) HE MADE ME GO RUNNING! Oh guys you should have seen me. I almost didn't die. Very cool. Except I couldn't move this morning at all. Not cool. I miss and worry about my ponies when the weather gets like this. Going to go work on summer reading in a bit. Yuck. All campus Orchestra/Vocal concert was NOT yuck, it was amazing. All I want for Christmas is a voice like that. Isn't it funny how we buy these huge, nice umbrellas to keep ourselves dry and our feet still get wet? Isn't it weird how umbrella technology still hasn't solved that problem?
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Don't worry, it's coming...I have to send something else along with it. ~.^