The other side

Feeling: sober
Funniest thing ever. I just got back from cleaning the fridge, which is possibly the most disgusting job in the entire world. I can't believe all the stuff we had in there. I mean, green maraschino cherries? Ranch in a tupperware container? My GHP friends won't believe this one: CORN NUGGETS. We had CORN NUGGETS in our FREEZER. I promptly threw them away. Recahing back behind the leftovers for a can, I accidentally put my finger in it--only to discover that I had just inserted my digit into MOLDY SARDINES. GROSSSSS!!!! ugh it makes me gag just to think about it! At any rate, it's sweltering out of doors. Lauren called me to ask about visiting Auburn today, but I can't get ahold of her again so I guess not today. I'm pretty much thinking about my friends and feeling squashed under the impending doom of summer reading, junior year, the really really hot new neighbor guy next door, and not having anyone to talk to anymore.
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love always,