
Elle a dit qu'il y a quelque chose mal avec vous, comme les taches sur vos chaussures roses roses roses. Elles sont gentilles, elle a dit, mais vous ne pouvez pas les regarder trop longues ou tout que vous verrez est l'imperfection. Je n'ai dit rien. Mais silencieusement, je conviens.
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Yeah, I think so too? Foreign Languages are ever so grreat. I did, however enjoy greatly the percentages you gave for the place known as Whitewater. Ehh.. I despise that place, and I am forced to go to it each and every summer too. Cursed mother and her rules. G'day to ye, mate.
-Armand who might play sick on the day of having to go to the place called Whitewater.
They've never messed up my name, luckily, but we definetely have some idiots in the yearbook staff.

Pumpkin? Wow, never heard anybody mess up that bad.