How do you solve a problem like a Lili

Things I have in the pockets of my zip-up neon yellow jacket. 1. 4 empty tea bags from that herbal tea I drink. 2. Burt's Bees lip balm 3. Augmentin 4. A napkin with inside jokes from dinner written on it 5. A pen 6. A brochure to palms 7. A penny 8. Lint I don't have my jacket with me at the current moment, so that's all I really remember off the top of my head. I'm talented like that. My roommate and associate roommate are going away for long weekend this weekend. I really don't know whether to be excited about the impending quiet time I'm going to have or lonely because of the impending quiet time I'm going to have. I'm going to play my music so loud. Well. Not so loud. Let's just leave it at I'm going to play it, and dance to it too, and nobody can stop me. I will, of course, be magnificent, with no one there to see but my stuffed animals. Hooray. (Then again, I suppose I can always dance in Jen's room, but they think my music is lame. =( ) I was digging through all my stuff today, and I found my classical music tapes! I was so happy and wish I had more time during lunch to listen to them (I usually just skip lunch in the palms and make myself a sandwich) but I had to change for AgSci and go because I really wanted to get here and do stuff. I still have to write my mum an email. Speaking of AgSci, yesterday we got to shear sheep and stuff. I got to give them vaccines and asked a whole bunch of questions like "What is their field of vision?" and "Are the intestines of sheep attached or free floating like a horse's?" I don't think the vet guy really appreciated me asking so much, but I was really curious. Even walking up the stairs to the library I was like "Where does most of their weight rest, on the fore or hind?" but then I tought it must be the for since the head and neck are there. Who knows. Today we're going to preg check cattle (yes, that means exactly what you think it means, long gloves and all). I'm terribly excited but it's hot out so maye not THAT excited. I have so much more to say, but no more words to say it with. Oh God I felt like dirt this morning. I really should get more sleep, I guess. God bless, kidlings. (PS: We had bible study with Leah last night and that was really great. I wasnt feeling happy so I just listened, but I left feeling a little better, really did. I like group bible studies, and Leah's really good at them.)
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