
She stands there, staring at me, and all I do is stare back in confusion. Who is this person? Where did she come from? Her bangs are long, long, long, they hang in her eyes. She snaps her head to the side, and they fly out of the way. Her eyes are large, sad, confused, unsure, testing out so many emotions in the span of a second that it gives her a look of perpetual surprise. Her eyebrows are thick but not bushy, unplucked, natural. Two darker than dark black pupils, emblazoned around with green, with brown, ringed with a tiny stripe of grey that melts into the chocolate. Her nose seems big for her face, straight, gently rounded at the tip, a spattering of reddish freckles across the otherwise pale and rounded apples of her cheeks. Her mouth is shaped nicely, gently, the colour of raspberries, and her chin is strong, yet elegant and refined looking. Who is she? I don't know her. I wash my hands of her. She makes me disgusted. She is ugly in my eyes. No, wait, oh no, this is my reflection, and my only fear is me!

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