Like, HELL yeah!

Feeling: adventurous
First off, before I say anything else, I would like to put up four PiK-a-TuReS of my good buddy Landon Jack--AKA Lando. He lives in Canada, but he is cool. The pic quality sucks. Ignore it. I love his hair.. maybe it's just me. ^^;; He has kind eyes. If he smiled more, he looks like he would have an excellent-o smile. He was trying to go for a Trowa look. I told him it was too floppy. He laughed. Silly boy... He took this while hanging upside down from his bed. The nut...Lando I wuv you!!! Anyways. That's your daily dose of Lando, here on the diary of Liliya Marotovna Plotkina! *cough* Yeah. Today was better. I actually enjoyed today. I wish my bus came earlier so I could spend more time with Sei and Danni before school. I ditched my binder,bought some notebooks, brought a purse today. I can see why every girl carries one instead of a huge bulky backpack. Although I use this said huge bulky backpack to carry said notebooks to hell. There's a girl who sits next to me in English who is pretty neat. She's not an idiot. She has brains. And she has clever eyes. If only she wasn't so...morbid. Don't get me wrong, I have NO problem with her. I just think that drawing flames under my picture of Frank the goat and labeling them the flames of hell was a little crude. Although funny. Natalie Kachadurian sits one desk forward and one to the right of me. I really don't like her. She's a bitch. The guy who sits in front of me is nice. Josh Duvaughn, right? And very cute. Not hot, but he has this great brown/blond hair that falls in his eyes all the time and these gorgeous aquamarine (yes, aquamarine!! Isn't it cool? He says that's his real eye colour.) eyes which always sparkle and he's tall and...ah. Every time he sees me in the hall he always stops to make polite conversation or ask me some questions and/or walk me to my next class. He was flirting majorly today in math. Steeeeveennn next door...well, I think I still like him. But see, he's more into those cheerleaders or..something... Danni's called me just now, g2g.
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