Oh woe is me

81. I am fascinated by small, alive things and could watch them for hours on end. 82. I love the smell of new Gap jeans. 83. I had these HUGE bangs until like ninth grade, when I grew them out. Much better now. 84. My favorite two instruments are the violin and the piano. 85. I love to get mail. 86. I don't like insects. 87. I don't respect phony people at all, or people who try too hard. 88. I believe that guys should always make the first move no matter HOW much it hurts me to sit there and say nothing. I learned that after The Grant Incident. 89. I want to own a pygmy cow when I get older. 90. I think pugs are the ugliest, dumbest dogs in the whole wide world. 91. I have a secret, irrational fear of stepping on a snapping turtle if I go swimming in a lake. Which is why I don't do that. 92. I love the beach, and I can spend hours digging for crabs in the sand. I think crabs are soooo funny. 93. I HATE having dirty hands. Oh my god. I hate it. 94. When I'm miserable you can tell because I'm quiet. 95. Politics confuse me. I sound stupid when I talk about them so I really don't. 96. I am an eBay junkie. 97. I've got the weirdest shaped face in the entire universe and it is hell in a basket to buy sunglasses. 98. I love wearing high heels, even if they hurt. 99. I have never once mowed a lawn in my life. 100. I broke my left wrist once, playing soccer. Well there we have it. 100 things about me. I almost want to continue, really, but this spacebar sticks and it's REALLY annoying. I have to like pound it every time I want to get somewhere and it's making my index finger hurt. Why not the thumb, you ask? well, I am not a home row typist. (stifle your gasps). There's this huge problem I have now that's kind of lame and every time I find it staring me in the face I want to just...I don't know, just do something. Something stunning and a little scary and make that problem realize that I do exist. I do care. I really do. I've never had to deal with anything like this before and it's so frustrating because I really should just forget about it, you know? I really should. I really wish I could. Geeze, maybe I'm coming down with a cold or something, I'm acting weird.
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