Turning knots into bows

Driving home yesterday, I saw this big black thing sitting on the roof of a house; it was a turkey.

gobble, gobble

I thought that was kind of cool. Yeah so and today I spoke with my shadow, and she told me to

get the hell away

from you. So sorry, I think I'll have to listen.


Cream coloured ponies and crisp apple strudels door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel (with noodles) brown paper packages tied up with string

These are a few of my favourite things.

Read 6 comments
I do not use words that aren't words.

Educate yourself here. Read the Introduction, Psychology of Leftism, then Oversocialization.

Which has nothing to do with being overly social. Which I am not.
Educate yourself some more.
First read Period, then read Question Mark.
Also, I'm in a bad mood, if you couldn't tell (which I'm sure you could because I'm being mean, I think).
It's because no one listens to what I say anymore. And even if they did listen, they wouldn't stop to try to understand.

It's frustrating.
I like the girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes part. But I don't like schnitzel. But I do like the word packages. Doesn't the word itself sound tidy and tied up with string?
That's a good song. I used to be able to play it on the flute.
I must have been high when I wrote those comments to you. "First read Period. Then Question Mark." WHAT THE HECK?! I'm sorry.

Anyway, the Unabomber's Manifesto was something we had to read in English without knowing what it was and try to guess who wrote it... because my English teacher is stupid.