Ten days have come and gone

The taming of the shrew. Nah, I don't drown. I'm feeling great. GHP interviews have been rescheduled for March 5th...yay! Im really excited. I like interviewing for some reason; I guess it's because I am quite a locquacious(sp, Lena?) person...especially when it comes to talking about myself. Yuck. If I knew me I wouldn't much care for my company. I heard a girl today describe the people in the hallways as roaches when the lights go out, and it made me laugh because at that precise moment in time the cheerleader next to me sprouted antennae and two more legs and scuttled down the staircase. goddamnit it was hilarious. If I had a choice I would spend my days sipping pink lemonade through a blue straw, staring at the clouds as they turned to stars and spelling my name by connecting the dots. goodbye's the saddest word ill ever hear.
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I am not talkative with strangers, especially if it's about myself. I'm only loquacious (no c, LP) with strangers if it somehow makes me feel important, like when I was standing in for my Latin teacher at Curriculum Night and I was explaining to all the parents of/rising underclassmen what Latin is like at Madison. I own at that.