
One hundred things about me, in twenty things in five days. By Lili Plotkin. 1. I love bright colours, but purple is my favorite. 2. I am obsessed with Victorian England. 3. I love the smell of brick buildings. 4. I have hyperflexibility in both wrists. 5. I detest liver. 6. I could spend hours in Walmart. 7. I wear a size ten in clothing. 8. I often skip meals. 9. I deal poorly with rejection and stress. 10. I wear a pink, braided bracelet on my left wrist to soak up bad karma. 11. I have never seen The Sound of Music. 12. I love to laugh. A lot. At anything and everything. 13. I think I have a man-voice. 14. I have never been kissed. 15. I am a HOPELESS romantic. 16. I have two pairs of $150 jeans. 17. I love emo music. My favorite band is Our Lady Peace but they are not emo. 18. I secretly think I have a nice singing voice, no matter what I may say. 19. I used to wish my name was Rose. 20. I am pro-choice. I skipped lunch today because I REALLY detest lunch in the Palms. I just do. I'm going home tomorrow and that means I'm missing the vocal concert, which stinks, but not as much as missing a long weekend will. Man I'm so excited about seeing my horses. Man. We went to Tractor Supply here in Valdosta yesterday in AgSci and I bought some Bick's leather care stuff, some udder balm (uh, I use it for my hands and feet), and some mane and tail show sheen type stuff--which I use on my hair. I used it this morning and it feel lovely. My shoes were damp last night and now they smell totally funny, and I'm definitely washing them tonight. Yuck! A girl in my hall who I thought was particularly unattractive came back last night with all these hickeys all over her neck. I found that not only skankish, but felt bad for her and embarassed because obviously she's very easy, and obviously she's very insecure with herself so she thinks she needs to have hickeys to make herself look good. Obviously we are all secretly jealous of her, including me. Someone told me today that I was spiteful (!), and that made me laugh. Yes, I would make a good Russian, dad. I am successfully spiting everyone here and I'm not sure whether it's funny or sad, haha. Tonight is the jazz concert and afterwards I am going to go stargazing. I don't think anyone is coming with me, but that's fine. Maybe it's better that way, because I don't want to go to talk, I want to go to lose myself in the sky. I find it sad that nobody sees it the same way I do. I find it sad that you can't do anything for anyone anymore without your motives being endlessly questioned.
Read 5 comments
I'm glad you included the SOM bit. Better watch this weekend...(can u e-mail me the modeling pic I liked?). Thanks. ~ Me
I'm really disappointed that you are pro-choice. We should talk about it sometime. ~ Me, again
You know, I think that any jeans over $25 are expensive, but if I had the money, I would totally buy (another) pair of $200 breeches. I still don't understand life.

:O that sounds fun! How are you and Pedro getting along? You should post some more pictures up soon :D

Cowboy Magic goes well on hair too.
Human hair that is.
want some icons? i am your girl!