I like traffic lights, I like traffic lights..

Feeling: peachy
Meh. Yeah. Do you ever have those days where everything seems to be against you and it seems everyone you know is looking to pick a fight with you? Yeah. That's exactly how my day was. Fight one: Sasha. The phone rang three consecutive times downstairs, while I was showering. I yelled three consecutive times for him to pick it up. Nope. All I got was "I DONT HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU!!" The phone was like, three feet away from him. So I came downstairs and got pissed and that resulted in fight one. Fight two: Dad. So anyways, I'm pissed off as it is, sitting there around two waiting for my dad to get offline so I can go to the barn. After thirty minutes, I poke him, and he yells at me for being disruptive. I get even more pissed off. Fight three: Dad. So we're finally in the car, right? Dad's acting uber cheerful and I'm steaming in a pissed off way, and he starts making stupid jokes about moving to Minnesota. My fuse is run out by now. I get angry. I do not like these jokes. So by the end of it we are ignoring one another's presences and when I get out of the car I do not say goodbye. Fight four: Debbie. SO the chiropractor came to look at Matt and Rley, and she made some snide comment about how the woman was just taking my money, and I told her that when it all boils down, Dr. B was the one with the veterinary medicine degree and she wasn't. And I walk away. Fight five: Debbie So at any rate, now she asks me snobbily what I want to do when I get older and I say i want to be a vet. she launches in on this long winded story about how some girl she knew got a 1700 on her SATs and had these two horses one who was fourteen and one who was four and she tried to go to college but failed miserably and gave me a boatload of shit. i just put up with it, disagreed politely. Damn bitch. I hate her. Maybe even more than Kornacki...Lucky guy. he got knocked down a place on my shit list. Fight six: Tracy Perry The farrier. Yeah. He said matt still had back pain and I said he didnt and he told me very matter of factly that he did and that was that. I hate it when adults treat me like a child. I've seen more in my thirteen years than some of them will see in fifty. Men treat me like a child the most, though. Women are pretty good about being practical. Fight seven: Mom So yeah, get in the car to go home and my mom throws a fit about how I forgot to water the other aisle of the barn. SOmehow it all ends up with her refusing to trailer Chase over for the picnic on saturday and well i think i made her change her mind. I hope. Fight eight: Rayne Okay. According to rayne, for the umpteenth time this month, I am a sadistic, self loving bitch who doesn't have any concept of how hard her life is and i hate all of her rp chars blahblah whine groan blah. Wish she would just go die or something. Hah! I love SitDiary. Scott is great. Yeah! I feel loads better now. Wai, wai, it's so cold in here. Rode riles bridleless today, to practice for the demonstration i'm giving the fifth. Yeah. That hoss rocks. Matt was feeling good this morning. I clipped Rowdy, he's a saint. Not like riley..oh, woah, i didn't tell ya'll about that, did I??? So it was before i went on vacation, and I was clipping riley's ears, and he freaked out and bonked me under the chin, and the clippers go KERSMACK into my forehead, leaving a bleeding gash up there. SO I got stitches--but theyre out now! ^_^! Yeah so Rowdy was awesomey. He has a show name now, too. "CR Atleast I'm Cute". Because he's cute but moves like a sewing machine and jumps like a buffalo. The CR stands for Cedar Ridge. I dun care what anyone says, I liked Kelly's show name. "MGK On Target". Stood for "Machine Gun Kelly On Target". Ahhhh i need to go write now. I am in SUCH a good mood! YAY!
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i love the orange.

xox-hit me up at

ooo yesterday i was grazing this 17.2 hand TB and he was soooooooo tall my head is below the top of his shoulder but hes a nice horse. Ponies can be devils tho so your're not missing that much :D hmm d.c. in winning OH YEAH but they've gone 83 corner kicks with no goals so i dunno wahts gonna happpen. AND they left Etcheverry at home but enough of that i hope your show was good and you kno - HOLLA! HEHE that makes me laf :D
oh i forgot is your user name tangerine? i like tangerines but oranges are good too and lemons but only after they've been in coke for a while cause then they'er not as sour but limes aren't as good. That's my citris evalutaion of the day for you :D holla at my thugz fo me peace and represent - you kno!lol im such a dork eheh
oops i meant is your user name tangerine cuase you like them. cause obvioulsy it is but ill be going now see yaaaaaaaa