Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl...?

I feel amorous, like I could stand on tiptoe and kiss the world on the cheek. =) Sei came over yesterday afternoon and we took Jake for a walk around the lake...When we got to the halfway point all three of us--dog, girl, and girl--flopped over on the rocks by the golfcart path and just panted for the longest time. We are so out of shape. Then we walked back, and collapsed on the couch in this achey legged daze, watched two episodes of the Fab 5 then went out to dinner at the Famous Fish Company. We got bored waiting for our food so we went into the bathroom and bummed around on the sink, just talking...then we went to the bookstore and I bought The Odyssey and then she was like "Do you think that there's a 'Sex for Dummies' book?" So we both got all giggly and went to look, and I asked what a hysterectomy was out loud and some random lady informed me that it was, in fact, when a woman got her uterus surgically removed, and I was like "oh...OH." And then we ran off to the other sex section tugging along a copy of 'Prostate Cancer for Dummies' and then we had to duck because my *dad* was like, right there and we snatched a copy of 101 things a man needs to know about sex and ran off to the anime section giggling like mad. Lol, they had this hilarious definition of foreplay...
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Man, I remember always going thru the Sex section of Barnes & Nobles with my best friend, and then taking it to the bathroom and reading the stuff and laughing a lot...hmm, good times. But in this day and age, you could probably get more information on sex from your friends then a book, sadly.