Almost over

=( So, yeah. GHP is almost over... Sigh. I go through these totally wacky phases like "I want to forget everyone" and "God what am I going to do with myself if I don't stay in touch". It's really weird, being this ambivalent. In other news, I'm starting to seriously consider Genetics as a major in college. It's freaking the most fascinating thing ever to me. I mean really, think about it. I'm not being too elaborate today because I'm totally pooped. I'm so happy though. I just finished running a mile with a bunch of friends for the GHP Fun Run--C.ler and his friends are too hardcore for a mile and went 5K. =( Bully for you guys. I hope they did well! I wish I'd've stuck around, now, but I was kind of sweaty and I HATE being sweaty. I might start jogging with the dog when I get home. Oh C.ler, what have you done to my sedentary lifestyle? I'm going to miss him, I guess. I'm going to miss freaking everyone. Is it wrong to care about people so much that you want to know them forever, even if they sometimes irritate you? Is it incorrect to think that you can form lifelong friendships with people in a six week period? Some people think I'm really, really, really stupid, I think. Or rather, I feel. Is that "feeling" thing wrong too??
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