With patience and saliva, the ant swallows the elephant.

Listening to: YGO Theme song
Feeling: dandy
Willa Ford goes freakishly high in the chorus of "Ooh Ooh". I think it would be funny to see me or Sei trying that, lol. I saw a shirt I liked today. It said "Don't make me send the flying monkeys after you." There's also one that says "One by one, the penguins steal my sanity." haha! Eugenia and I were discussing what it would be like to work in an asylum. I said I don't want to because you get to know people and then they die. She was silent for a minute and said she would rather be an artist anyways. I bought a nice apple cider smelling candle at Bath and Body Works because the air outside smells like fall. I like fall. J'adore Halloween. Bonjour! Je m'appelle Lili. J'ai quatorze ans. J'aime faire de la equitation, le chocolat, et ecoute de la musique. Je n'aime pas le rap et la plage. ^_^ I like Biology. Taking notes rox my sox, especially when the notes are fun to take. Well, they're sort of boring, but I do like to take them. Something is just so nice about seeing them in orderly rows. I want to go ride my horses. I'm riding home with Sei this Friday so we can watch FY all night. Heehee. Danielle, online, said that she hates how Sei's abandoning her. I'm sorry, Danni. So I said I'd go to the movies with her as a girls night out thing next weekend. To see Pirates of the Caribbean. (I STILL haven't seen that!!!) Because I know how it feels to be left out of everything and always unwanted. And now for an experimentation in writing technique. Slothful morning into slothful afternoon. A raven in the courtyard, half-heartedly picking at the remains of someone's popcorn lunch. She walks briskly into the sun. He looks up. "Hello." "Caw," And snaps his beak at her. "It's a nice day." A lie. It's ninety five degrees and she's in a sweater. But one must always be polite to ravens. "Caw." "I agree. Well. Have a good day," and continues along the path, peering over her precariously stacked books. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to play God and smash a bug under your thumb? All they know is fleeting pain and then they're dead. Why? Just for existing. That is why I don't kill unless necessary. "Bitch." Books all over the ground. The raven takes to the skies, shrieking angrily at having been disturbed. She stares at her books, then at the boy. "Bitch," he repeats. "You're the whore who put my best friend in jail." She bends down to pick up her books. He watches. And then they scatter again. Louder now. Maybe if you yell more she'll hear you. "What the FUCK you GOING to DO about it? HUH?" She stands straight and for once looks someone in the eyes. And from then on, I only started to look into the eyes of people who I could fight against. "Would you help me pick up my books?" She asks, tone normal. Bruises come and go. There was too much blood in the earth. Your daughter may not make it. Jugular missed by two millimeters. A standoff. The nasal tones of the bell come and go. "He hurt me." She says. "I want to kill him." Wordlessly, he snatches up her books and shoves them into her chest. "Here." And he goes. She looks at the raven on the roof, and the raven looks at her standing so tall. "I'll see you around, huh?" Onto Biology class. I like it. =0) Ja ne and a 1/2. -Lillers
Read 3 comments
love ur layout... thats hella awesome!!!

and dude! fall rox! i love it... halloween is my fave holiday which i also share with my b/day... how perfect is that, my b/day just happened 2 land on the gr8est day ever!

haha *peace*
ps... i added ya to my friends list so i can read ur journal again. hehe
Nice, nice :) Pirates the SUPERawsome. Depp rox my sox. I like taking math notes. holla