Whoo. Go Chiefs.

Pep rally today, Sei and I sat and were unpatriotic together. Lauren Hook is taking me to see Macbeth on Sunday with all her friends. I am turning into a goth. Wow. Not that that's a bad thing, I just dont know if I want to associate myself with just one group rather than being me... As it is, I'm part goth/prep/nerd/band geek/suffering artist/thespian...yeah. I act the same towards everyone but Austin Chandonnet and cheerleaders. That is, if anyone talks to me. My school is just like an Amish community. I. Am. The. Shunned. No one talks to me because of the trial last summer. Everyone thinks I'mn a whore and I made it all up. Maybe this is all a dream and in an hour my mom'll come wake me up and in my real life I'm a loved person. Yeah, I like it like that. *The cheerleaders did a can-can, and the mascot fell on his face.
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