Dedicated to my horses. Yay.

I realized it has been forever since I wrote anything about Riley, Matt, or Rowdy. That pisses me off. At, uh, myself. Because they're such a huge part of my life, anyways. Riley threw a shoe yesterday, it was one of the front eggbar/aluminum/platform ones. Yeah, it's a WEIRD shoe. But Tracy came that afternoon and stuck it back on. OMG. His son is so hot. I wish I would see him somewhere else so I could strike up an intelligent conversation. As it is, I only see him at the barn, and Tracy's there too, so nooo hitting on the son. But Tracy was giving me a lot of flack about giving Matt a whole year off...AGAIN...and I dunno. Matt can't have a year off. I go to college in four years. He needs to be Grand Prix-ing by then. Matt himself is awesome. We turned him out yesterday in a small paddock so he could get some air, and he started running around like a nut. I never did tell ya'll that he got his stitches out, did I?? Well, he did. Actually, they were staples. Yeah. He also got a bath two days ago, didn't like it much. I'm so glad he's perkier. Rowdy....well, I haven't ridden him since before the weekend. But I did give him a bath yesterday and clipped his ears, muzzle, throatlach, and legs from the ankle down. He looks purtyful now. The Fletchers have asked me to ride Annie for them while they're gone. I don't mind, I like Annie. She's sweetness. Um, when's my next lesson? And who the hell am I riding? Riley or Roscoe? (Or maybe if I'm lucky, Hootie!!!Or Blythe!!!) I hope Peggy calls soon. I'm supposed to show some of her horses in the Florida circuit. I hope Ollie feels better. I love Ollie. (*mimicks Lena*)Now then, if any of you actually got half of what I said up there, .... Go buy ME a cookie!!!!! Or two. XOXO--
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ooo i love horses