When you say nothing at all

What a totally useless day. I mean, all I really did was eat and sleep. I worked for like two hours on that comic I wanted to draw, and even though I only used stick figures it took FOREVER. Argh. Haha Chandler's gone on his long weekend and now I'm sitting here like "what do I DO with myself?!" except then I was like oh yeah I totally have other friends except one's asleep and the other one is who knows where. Girls who have crushes on boys are apparently really adept at hiding from people who want to hang out with them. coughJennycough. Yeah so now I'm just chilling here, in the library, content with my situation. =) I sort of want to go to the 80's dance but actually sort of not. I might just like go to bed early. I'm totally a party pooper. Eek. Oh yeah I played Taboo with Brigitte, Emily, Abby, Jennifer, and Victoria for a while but we got yelled at by the RA for being too noisy and we had to stop. Sigh. RA's ruin everything! Argh plus it's totally raining so that means my pants are going to get wet on the way back. In other news, the clouds are pretty.
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